Thoughts of awe: Sports

Its amazing and quite interesting that Sports are silently establishing and maintaining peace in various countries. Emil Zatopek quotes“An athlete cannot run with money in his pockets. He must run with hope in his heart and dreams in his head.”

Destroying poisonous walls,barriers and fencing between religion, races and any groups. Beyond any circumstances every citizen is unified in single part that is nation, unity and progress. Sports  unify and moreover it also nullify the toxicity from the every part of the society. It is acting like a self healing aromatherapy which gives the reason for every citizen to make hug of Joy and be the part of man kind not destructing terrorozing weapons.Sports are the symbols for the one aspect that is harmony.It is not creating  the wall for the citizens instead its creating  bridges that exchanging thoughts and love.Sport is river which flows through the villages and city freely;giving every clean goal andmixing with each other smoothly.


Sports are changing the subjectivity of every citizen. It is creating an aura of each nation having contribution of every person;creating a perspective visualization which demonstrating,democratizing and implementing the positiveness in mind ware of Every Human being.Sports are designing the nation’s subjective appearence.It seeding the trust beetween the citizens and evolving into the miraculous trees of respect interconnecting with the roots which are exchanging the  social, linguistic, cultural and ‘personal’ values which transforming ,influencing,changing and overwriting the values of each other.


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